A big issue many reef hobbyists encounter when using new LED lights is coral bleaching and proper light acclimation. Unfortunately, it’s often an issue you never hear anyone talk about
Establishing your Marine Tank
How to Set up a Marine Tank
Wholesale Marine Fish Suppler in Sri Lanka
Marine Fish Guide to Health & Care
Marine Velvet Disease
Marine velvet disease is one of the most common diseases that affects marine aquarium fish. It is known by a variety of names including; amyloodiniosis, marine oodinium disease, oodiniosis, and
What Happens When Overfeed Your Fish
Overfeeding fish is so easy to do. First, we forget how small they are: our appetites are much bigger than their stomachs! Second, feeding is one of the only ways
Reef Aquarium Basics
As complicated as reef keeping can get, it all goes back to basics. The essential requirement to all life is water. A healthy and thriving reef aquarium begins with the
Aquarium Salt
Have You Ever Salted Your Freshwater Aquarium? It’s a measure you should consider if you like your fish to be healthy. If fish could toast their keepers for any good
Top 3 Most Expensive Saltwater Fish
Certain fish species are considered to be “Holy Grails” in the marine aquarium hobby. These are hardly ever seen in tanks around the world and perhaps unsurprisingly come with quite